Norwich Pool League Winter 2024

KO Report for K O Cup

First round
Pinches Shamrocks
18 20 Horsford S.C.
Spixworth S.C. Bandits
0 W The White Heron
Woodside Hound Dogs
23 12 William Iv
Rileys Raiders
20 15 Horsford S.C. Journeymen
Pinches Pockets
20 3 The Grifters
Crown Jewels
27 8 N.C.C. Picknmixers
Pinches Bar Stewards
20 17 Rileys Devils
9 29 Windmill Artistes
Spixworth S.C.
14 24 Rileys Miss Q'S
Windmill A
24 14 Silver Fockers
The Hood Hounds
8 21 Rileys Rocks
The Boundary
17 21 Vr Dons
Woodside Giants
16 20 William Iv Ind
Wondering Wizards
7 20 Pinches Rockets
5 Guys 6 Pockets
20 5 Woodside Ball Busters
William Iv Bar
20 3 Merry Men
18 20 Rileys Roosters
Rileys Exiles
27 11 Pinches Trottstars
Rileys Melted Wellys
18 20 Rose Crown Bandits
The Bobs
8 30 Pinches Tippers
Bally Hoes
12 26 Pinches Marksmen
The Gordon
15 23 Drillbits
Horsford S.C. Beasts
17 21 N.C.C. Commoners
Norwich Vr
6 20 Pinches Cue Club
Coach & Horses
18 20 St Faiths Yay Boys
Pinches Misfits
25 13 Spixworth S.C. Pk
William Ivsaddlebags
12 20 Rack Street Boys
Rose Crown
13 25 The Real Crown Jewels
Sprowston Old Timers
12 25 Windmill Potters
Rileys Battlers
26 12 Spixworth S.C. Ind
N.C.C. Allsorts
19 20 Rileys Reapers
Rileys Phoenix
20 14 Shooters
Last 32
Pinches Pockets
26 12 Drillbits
Pinches Bar Stewards
23 11 Rileys Raiders
Crown Jewels
15 23 Pinches Marksmen
Pinches Rockets
2 20 Pinches Cue Club
William Iv Bar
20 10 Vr Dons
Windmill A
W 0 Rileys Battlers
Windmill Artistes
21 7 Rileys Miss Q'S
The White Heron
19 20 Rileys Exiles
Pinches Misfits
7 20 Rose Crown Bandits
Rileys Phoenix
27 11 St Faiths Yay Boys
N.C.C. Commoners
18 20 Rileys Reapers
Rack Street Boys
20 15 Horsford S.C.
Rileys Rocks
15 20 Windmill Potters
Woodside Hound Dogs
14 20 5 Guys 6 Pockets
Rileys Roosters
20 13 The Real Crown Jewels
Pinches Tippers
6 32 William Iv Ind

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